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As Teachers we are often asked,"Where did you find that?" Or "What can I do about...?" We have even heard, "Is my child the only one who....?"


You are not alone in your parenting challenges, all of our children go through stages, some more fun than others.  Below you will find some of our favorite "go to" websites and blogs. ​Click on the links below to see what others are saying...



Christ Fellowship Church
(formerly First Presbyterian Church)



Look for a reason to get excited about life again?

Why not join our community of faith as we endeavor to know the depths of God’s love for us, our friends and our world!


No one is excluded from joining our community of faith, no matter their spiritual condition, religious background, economic status….  God is on the move in us and among us, bringing hope, vision, passion and purpose for life…, and we hate for anyone to be left out!


The best way to get to know our church is join us on Sunday morning, 10 a.m., for intimate worship of the living God!  There you’ll meet people of all ages and backgrounds, at various stages of their spiritual journeys. You will hear about the love of God, shown most fully in the gift of His Son Jesus Christ, our Savior, Friend, and Companion! And you will be inspired by the testimonies, songs, and praises about what God is doing to in lives of people like you!


Treat yourself! Come hear some Good News for once! Be loved just as you are…, and get excited about LIFE!


Click on the link below to view the full site...

Copyright 2012. Hollister Presbyterian Cooperative Preschool. No Animals were harmed in the making. Designed by Bluhm Studios.

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